現在位置:福岡市ホームの中の市政全般の中の外国人支援の中の留学生支援から外国人留学生のためのインターンシップへの参加者を募集します! Paid Internship for international students
更新日: 2023年4月7日

Are you an international student looking to work in Fukuoka City? Take advantage of our job-hunting support and internship program for international students!


  • ◆福岡市内の教育機関では優秀な留学生が多く学んでおり、卒業後も福岡市内で就職したいという留学生のニーズが高いにもかかわらず、地元企業への就職に結びつく留学生は少なく、地域で育てた優秀な人材の多くが地域外に流出している現状があります。
  • ◆そこで、福岡市では、市内の教育機関に在籍し、福岡での就職を希望している留学生(2年以内に卒業する方に限ります)および市内の教育機関を卒業後、福岡での就職を希望して就職活動を継続している既卒留学生を対象に、就活ワークショップや地元企業でのインターンシップに参加する方を募集します。
  • ◆Many excellent international students are studying at schools in Fukuoka City. There is a high demand from those students to find jobs in the city after graduation. However, only a few of them find jobs at Fukuoka-based companies, and currently, much of the young talent educated in our city must find work elsewhere.
  • ◆Hoping to make a difference, Fukuoka City is recruiting interested participants to job-hunting workshops and internship programs at Fukuoka-based companies. If you are an international student enrolled in a school in Fukuoka City and want to find employment in the city, you can apply if you are one or two years from graduation. You can also apply if you have graduated from a school in the city and are currently looking for a job.

Brochure of the program (English) pdf

パンフレット(日本語) Brochure of the program (English)

1.どんなサポートが受けられる? What support can I receive?

  1. 就活ワークショップ(2023年5月~8月) Workshops on job hunting (May to August 2023) 
    We provide workshops for international students to learn about job-hunting in Japan. We also support participants' job-hunting according to their individual skills and plans.
  2. 個別カウンセリング Individual consultations
    Individual consultations will be provided to participants, and we will brush up your resume and provide information on job hunting at Japanese companies.
  3. インターンシップ(2023年7月頃~) Internships (from July 2023)
    We offer paid internships at local companies who are looking to hire international students.

  • 就業体験は、2週間程度実施します。
  • 就業体験した時間に応じて、給与(時給1,100円)が支給されます。
  • 就業体験の場所は、福岡市内の受け入れ先企業です。
  • 「資格外活動許可」の範囲内での就業になります。
  • The internship will last approximately two weeks.
  • You will be paid 1,100 yen per hour.
  • The location of the internship will be at a company in Fukuoka City.
  • You must work within the permitted "Activities other than those permitted under the status of residence" on the internship.

 If you participate in this program after your graduation, you can extend your visa stay from one year to two years to stay in Japan after graduation.

2.参加申し込みができる対象者は? Who can apply to the internship program?

Any international students who strongly hope to find employment in Fukuoka City and meet the following conditions can apply:

1. 大学生・大学院生・短期大学生の場合 College and university undergraduates and postgraduates

 ・You are an international student studying at a college, university or graduate school in Fukuoka City.
 ・You will be graduating within two years of the date of your application.

2. 専門学校生の場合 Students of vocational schools

 ・You are an international student studying at a vocational school and receiving specialist training in Fukuoka City.
 ・You expect to be given a diploma or certificate as a specialist or advanced specialist in your field of study after graduation.
 ・You will be graduating within two years of the date of your application.

3. 日本語学校生の場合 Students of Japanese language schools

 ・You are studying Japanese at a language school in Fukuoka City after graduating from university overseas.
 ・You will be graduating within two years of the date of your application.

4. すでに卒業している場合 If you are not a student any more, you must meet the following conditions:

 ・You have graduated from a university, vocational school or language school as described in sections 1 to 3 above.
 ・You are seeking employment on a Designated Activities visa.
 *If you have finished your studies at a Japanese language school, you must have obtained a university degree from a university overseas.

3.参加費 How much does it cost?

無料 Free

4.参加申し込み方法 How do I apply?

1. 募集期間 Application Period

  年間を通じて参加可能です。  You can apply any time throughout the year.

2. 募集人員 Application Quota

40名程度 Limited to about 40 people

3. 選考方法 Selection Process

書類選考と面接 (2023年4月~) 
Successful candidates will be selected through a document application and interview process from April 2023.
*Applications will be closed once the capacity has been reached.

5.参加申込方法 How to apply

参加申込み専用のウェブサイトからの申込みになります。 See the URL for details.

 (This program will take place on the condition that the budget is approved.)