LastUpDate: November 30, 2016

Fukuoka City Business Establishment Support Program chinese-jianti chinese-fanti korea

“Business Establishment Support Program” offers subsidies for new business establishment in Fukuoka City. Please read the following and if you have any inquiries please feel free to contact us!

【Notes】 Please make sure to consult with Fukuoka City before concluding the Land Purchase and Sales Agreement or Building Lease Contracts. 


1.Offices for Research and Development(IT, Content, Environment, Energy, Health and medicine etc.) (107kbyte)pdf
2.Global Businesses(Foreign and Foreign-affiliated companies)  (107kbyte)pdf


3.Call centers & the others  (103kbyte)pdf


4.Headquarters Functions (100kbyte)pdf


5.Logistics Industry (526kbyte)pdf 

6.Urban Manufacturing Industry (358kbyte)pdf

Outline of program  (3,783kbyte)pdf

Related Provisions (Japanese version only)

Applicable Areas

  • Entire city area
  • A part of land acquisition cost may be covered by subsidy if the company purchases city-owned land in the following areas that are designated as priority areas.

【Priority Areas】(Japanese version only)

Eligible Industries

Targeted Industries Activities & Functions
Knowledge creation industry(Software・content development) Software development related to ICT, automobiles and robotics/creation of digital content and design/nanotechnology-based R&D/ R&D related to semi-conductor such as LSI design, machine design etc.
Medicine, healthcare and welfare industry R&D related to medical and welfare devices, pharmaceuticals, Health functional foods, etc.
Environment and energy-related industry Energy-related R&D in solar cells, hydrogen energy, etc./R&D related totechnologies for recycling and purifying soil and water/ Biotechnology-based R&D
Logistics industry Cargo transportation, warehousing, etc.
Urban manufacturing industry Manufacturing and processing of production in demand in urban areas, such as food manufacturing and printing-related industry
Foreign and foreign-affiliated companies 【Entering Japan for the first time】
  Businesses to be conducted in Japan for the first time
【Already doing business in Japan】
  R&D or services related to the above-mentioned business fields or financial business
  ※ In both cases B2C businesses are excluded except financial business
Headquarters functions ■Departments that offer services to multiple offices or company-wide business operations
・Research and planning departments(those in charge of projects and product planning and market research)
・Information processing departments(those in charge of system development etc, as in-house service for their companies)
・R&D departments(those in charge of basic research, application research, development research (prototypes of new products, including design, etc.))
・International business departments (those in charge of trade operations involved in import/export and overseas operations management)
・Other management departments (those in charge of corporate-management-related services, including administration, accounting, human resources, etc.,)
■Laboratories and research institutes
■Training facilities
Call centers and the others ・Businesses offering intensive customer services, including consultation, information sharing, order reception, etc. using communication channels such as phones and the Internet, and systems such as PBX and CTI.
・Businesses offering intensive data-processing services such as data management and back-office operations


  • Companies that setup new business premises and start operations in Fukuoka City.
  • Companies that relocate business premises within Fukuoka City.     
    • (※ limited to logistics industry or urban manufacturing industry)
  • Facility providers for logistics-related industry and urban manufacturing industry   
    • (※ limited to large scale facilities)


Case of Business Establishment (Japanese version only)

You can see the companies that started their businesses operations in Fukuoka City in the category of  “Headquarters Functions and Growth Industry”, which is one of the targeted industries of Fukuoka City.


Business Attraction Section
Business Startup & Investment Promotion Department
Economy, Tourism & Culture Bureau, Fukuoka City 1-8-1 14F Tenjin, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka City, 810-8620
Phone: +81-(0)92-711-4849