LastUpDate: March 2, 2022

Telling the city when you change address:
when moving into Fukuoka City from another city, town, village or country


When you move into Fukuoka City from another city, town, village or country, you must submit a change of address notification to the city to tell them your address.
You must also submit a change of address notification when moving between wards within Fukuoka City.


Telling the city when you change address is important because it affects many aspects of our everyday lives, such as when:
  -providing proof of address;
  -registering on the electoral roll;
  -changing schools;
  -qualifying and receiving payouts for the national health insurance, national pension and nursing care
    insurance schemes;
  -registering and providing proof of your personalinkan seal, and more.
You must also tell the ward office of any changes in address as soon as possible to receive proper access to Fukuoka City administrative services.

When to notify the city

You must notify the city when you:
・move into Fukuoka City from another city, town, village or country;
・move to a different ward within Fukuoka City.

 Who can notify the city

・The person who has moved into Fukuoka City or the head of their households; or
・Representatives* of people who have moved into Fukuoka City.
*Representatives must be given a letter of authorization from the person who has moved into Fukuoka
*There is no fixed format for the letter of authorization. The person authorizing the representative must
  write the following information on letter paper:

(1)    The date the letter was made;
(2)    what the representative has been authorized to do (e.g., I authorize this person to XXX on
     my behalf) and why they have been authorized to do so (e.g., because I am too busy to go myself);
(3)    the name and address of the representative; and
(4)    the name, signature and address of the person authorizing the representative.

What documents you need

When moving into Fukuoka City from a different municipality

1.      A completed change of address notification form (indicate you are moving into a municipality)
2.  A change of address certificate (for moving out of a municipality) * issued by
        your  previous municipality 
    *You must submit a change of address notification (indicate you are moving out
        of a municipality) in advance before you move, then collect a change of address
        certificate (for moving out of a municipality).
        If you have a My Number card or Basic Resident Record card, you must still
        submit a change of address notification (for moving out of a municipality), but
        you do not need a change of address certificate (for moving out of a
        municipality). Inquire at the municipal office of your previous address for
        information on change of address.   
      *If you are changing address between wards within Fukuoka City, you do not
        need a change of address notification (for moving out of a municipality) or
        change of address certificate (moving out of a municipality).
3.  Your residence card or special permanent resident certificate (for all foreign
        citizens moving into Fukuoka City)
4.  Your My Number card* or Basic Resident Record card (if you have one) (for all
        people moving into Fukuoka City)
      *You will be required to enter the passwords for each person. However, you must
        inquire in advance if representative who is not on the same residence record is
        applying on behalf of you.
5.   A letter of authorization and proof of identification for the representative (such
        as their residence card, passport, health insurance card etc.)
      *Only if the person submitting the notification is a representative.

When moving into Fukuoka City from outside of Japan

1.    All foreign citizens moving into Fukuoka City must provide one of the following documents:
      ・ your residence card
   ・ your special permanent resident certificate
   ・ your certificate of alien registration that is equivalent to a special permanent resident certificate
   ・  your passport with an indication that your residence card is being processed and will be sent to
     you at a later date.

2.  Documents proving your relationship*
   *Documents proving the relationship with the head of household are need when the head of
    household is a foreign citizen, or when the head of household is a foreign citizen and other
    foreign relatives move into their household. 
   *Documents proving relationships that are written in languages other than Japanese must be
    provided with a translation that clearly indicates who has translated it.

 Where to submit the change of address notification

You must submit your change of address notification (moving into a municipality) at the Citizen Section of the ward office or ward office branch office of your new address.


For inquiries to ward offices

Multilingual support line for all ward offices
Telephone: 092-753-6113
Supported languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Nepali and more
Opening hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00–17:00 (closed on public and New Year holidays)

For general inquiries and advice

Fukuoka City Consultation Support Center for Foreign Residents
Telephone: 0120-66-1799 (free)
*You can also call on 092-262-1799 (charges apply).
Supported languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Nepali and more
Opening hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00–18:00 (closed on public and New Year holidays)