Residence registration is where you tell a ward office that you are living in Japan, and they register you as a resident.
All foreign citizens that live in Japan for more than 3 months (people with a residence card) must go to the Citizen Section of their local ward office and register as a resident every time they move house. When you register as a resident at a ward office, the ward office will make your residence record. The residence record includes your name, address, date of birth and status of residence (which shows you are legally allowed to live in Japan) and other details, and it is also used as proof of residence.
Application for Fukuoka City Residence Records (Online Application) ⚠ English only
Click here for Fukuoka City Residence Record Online Application Manual (English) (1,080kbyte)
Multilingual support line for all ward offices
Telephone: 092-753-6113
Supported languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Nepali and more
Opening hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00–17:00 (closed on public and New Year holidays)
Fukuoka City Consultation Support Center for Foreign Residents
Telephone: 092-262-1799
Supported languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Nepali and more
Opening hours: Monday–Friday, 8:45–18:00 (closed on public and New Year holidays)