LastUpDate: December 9, 2022

Hakata Culture vol.190

Natural Hot Springs You Can Enjoy Right Here in Fukuoka City

 Natural Hot Springs You Can Enjoy Right Here in Fukuoka City

Onsen, or hot springs, are often thought of as being located in remote areas, but there are places right here in Fukuoka City where you can enjoy natural hot springs. One of these is the Hakata Onsen district located along the Naka River. Situated in a quiet residential area, Ganso Motoyu looks like an ordinary private residence at first glance. Its name, which roughly translates as “the original hot spring,” derives from the fact that 49-degree-Celsius water gushed out of the ground when the owners had a well dug here in 1966. The bath is large enough to accommodate three people, and the piping hot spring water flows directly into the tub without being cooled.

Fujinoen is another hot spring located in the Hakata Onsen district. The area was originally a rice paddy, but when the owners noticed that rice grew faster in one corner of the paddy, they dug up the area and hot spring water came gushing out. Since opening as an onsen inn in 1972, Fujinoen has been a favorite destination for local hot spring fans. Both day-trip bathing and overnight stays are available, and since there is a golf driving range on the premises, you can also enjoy a soak after practicing golf.

If you prefer your onsen with an ocean view, then you will want to visit Kyukamura Shikanoshima. Sitting in the open-air bath facing the Genkai Sea, you can enjoy a view of the blue ocean stretching out before you, the sunset over the sea, or the star-filled sky, depending on what time you go. Meanwhile, Bayside Place Hakata, a commercial complex on Hakata Wharf, is home to Namiha no Yu. As opposed to onsen in outlying areas, here you can enjoy a uniquely urban bathing experience, complete with views of Fukuoka’s nightscape. In addition to the natural hot spring, Namiha no Yu has a hot stone sauna and a facial spa.

An increasing number of hotels in the city also have natural hot springs. One of the pioneers of this trend is Yaoji Hakata Hotel near Hakata Station. In 1998, prior to the construction of the hotel, the developer planned to drill for hot spring water, and after about six months of drilling, they struck a hot spring reservoir with abundant hot water. Day-trip bathing is also available, so you do not need to book a night in the hotel. Since this, there has been a noticeable uptick in the number of hotels in Fukuoka City equipped with natural hot spring baths.

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温泉は人里離れた場所にあるイメージですが、福岡市内にも天然温泉が楽しめる施設があります。そのひとつが那珂川沿いに湧く博多温泉。静かな住宅街にある「博多温泉 元祖元湯」は、一見すると普通の民家のよう。1966年にこの地で井戸を掘ったところ、49度の熱い湯が湧き出したのが由来です。浴槽は3人も入ればいっぱいになるサイズで、49度の源泉がそのままかけ流されています。

同じく博多温泉のエリアにあるのが「博多温泉 富士の苑」。もともとは田んぼだった場所ですが、ある一角だけ稲の成長が早かったことから、その場所を掘ってみると温泉が湧き出したそうです。1972年に温泉旅館として開業して以来、地域の温泉好きに親しまれています。日帰り入浴も、宿泊もでき、ゴルフ練習場を併設しているのでゴルフの練習後に温泉を楽しむこともできます。

海を眺めながら天然温泉を楽しめるのが「休暇村志賀島」。玄界灘に面した露天風呂からは、目の前に広がる青い海や玄界灘に沈む夕日、さらには満天の星空を楽しむことができます。博多ふ頭の複合施設ベイサイドプレイス博多には「みなと温泉 波葉の湯」があります。街の夜景を見ながらの入浴は、郊外とはまた違った雰囲気。天然温泉に加えて岩盤浴やエステなどの施設もあります。
