LastUpDate: October 1, 2010

Hakata Culture vol.45

The Akihaku brightens Hakata in the fall

The Akihaku brightens Hakata in the fall  Picture

Fukuoka City is sometimes said to be a “twin city” because the Naka River divides the city into two distinct halves. On the west side of the river is Fukuoka, the location of the Fukuoka Castle, while on the east lies Hakata, the commercial district. The Hakata district has many Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples, and sites of historical interest that have formed the culture of the area for several centuries.

Hakata is also the site of the Akihaku, a series of colorful events and festivals from September to November. Its name resembles the names in Japanese given to world’s fairs, and it was chosen because the whole city, Fukuoka and Hakata included, will be the exhibition site. It will feature an exceptional variety of colorful, must-see events, ranging from those imbued with historical romance at the shrines and temples in Hakata, to concerts, art exhibits, dramas, walking tours, and lectures. The Akihaku is a fall feast of the arts, food, and music.

One event that shouldn’t be missed is the Gokusho - Reizen Night Walk in the historical district of Hakata Ward, which has many shrines and temples. Four of them, the Joten-ji, Tocho-ji, and the Myoraku-ji, and the Kushida shrine, will be beautifully illuminated for the event. Joten-ji is the birthplace of the Hakata Gion Yamakasa and has a lovely stone garden. Tocho-ji is said to have been founded by Kobo Daishi, and is the oldest sacred site in Japan. Myoraku-ji has the graves of many wealthy Hakata merchants. Finally, the Kushida shrine is known as Hakata’s spiritual guardian. Lighting up these grand buildings and their gardens, which have played such an important part in Hakata history, creates scenes of mystery and wonder. This year, the event will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on November 3 (a holiday) to Sunday, November 7. Advance tickets cost ¥600, while same-day tickets go for ¥800.

Other popular events include the Hakata Tomyo lantern festival. Begun in 1994, it is based on the sentomyo lantern festivals held in the past at shrines and temples. The highlight is the large visual patterns created on the ground by the positioning of the many lanterns. It will be held on October 23rd only, however. The autumn nights may be long, but these two events will make them a lot brighter!

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 福岡市は、市内の中央を流れる那珂川を境に、西が福岡城のある城下町・福岡、東は商人の町・博多と呼ばれる双子都市(ツインシティ)です。博多には、中世から歴史や文化を担ってきた神社仏閣、旧跡が数多く残っています。そんな博多の町で、9月から11月にかけ「博多秋博」と名付けられた、多彩なイベントやお祭り、催しが開催されます。 福岡・博多のまち全体が、博覧会会場のような雰囲気になるのでこの名称が付けられました。イベントの内容は、博多の神社やお寺を舞台にした情緒あふれる催しから、音楽やアート、演劇、ウォーキング、講演会などと、バラエティ豊かで見どころもいっぱいです。芸術の秋、食欲の秋、音楽の秋がすべて味わえるのが「博多秋博」です。

 中でもおすすめは、「御供所(ごくしょ)・冷泉(れいぜん)ライトアップウォーク2010」。福岡市博多区の由緒ある神社仏閣が数多く残る地域。その中の承天寺、東長寺、妙楽寺、櫛田神社の4か所が幻想的に ライトアップされる美しいイベントです。博多祗園山笠発祥の寺であり、石庭が美しい承天寺や、弘法大師が創建した日本一古い霊場といわれる東長寺、博多豪商の墓が多く残る妙楽寺、そして博多の総鎮守として親しまれている櫛田神社が舞台となります。博多の拠点として重要な役割を担っていた寺社の荘厳な建物や庭園がライトアップされる景色は神秘的です。今年は11月3日(祝)から7日(日)までの開催。18:00~21:00の短い時間なので巡り方を考えましょう。この催しは有料で前売りが600円、当日は800円です。
